Congresso ARTOI: oncologia integrata
Abbiamo il piacere di segnalare e promuovere il X Congresso di ARTOI sull’oncologia integrata.
“Over ten years after the birth of ARTOI, the initial goal of mitigating the side effects of conventional cancer therapies, thus improving the quality of life of the cancer patient, has been widely achieved. Besides, for patients treated with integrative therapies, there is evidence of increased life expectancy, especially when integrative therapies are maintained over time and are associated with an adequate lifestyle.” Dall’introduzione al Congresso del presidente ARTOI Massimo Bonucci
Fa parte del comitato scientifico la nostra docente Dr.ssa Maria Bernadette Ligabue, che sarà inoltre presente con l’intervento “The importance of self-care in the cancer therapeutic program”